The Demibu by Phil Grace was an idea he had to cut his malibu in half. All that board is sometimes hard to carry down the beach and unless you have roofracks not to easy to transport. Not to talk about Airline charges! So he cut a malibu in half and now you can enjoy the sensation of noseriding on a 5?6. Don?t hold summer! Read More
If you would like to order a custom surfboard of this model surfboard we will shape it and ship it in 4-6 weeks. Head to our custom board builder and build your own here.
The Demibu by Phil Grace was an idea he had to cut his malibu in half. All that board is sometimes hard to carry down the beach and unless you have roofracks not to easy to transport. Not to talk about Airline charges! So he cut a malibu in half and now you can enjoy the sensation of noseriding on a 5'6. Don't hold summer!
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